Unit 4_Element 1.1
Critically analyse the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation
• Explain to your assessor how you analyse the departments, activities, tasks, and individuals’ roles.
• Explain what you use to complete this you may want to consider national incidents, trends, and job descriptions to ensure these processes are consistently analysed.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 1.2
Identify the health and safety competence needs of the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation
• Explain to your assessor how you identify the competence requirements for each department and activities being undertaken in the workplace.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 1.3
Assess the health and safety competence needs of:
a) the organisation
b) individuals in the organisation
a) Explain how you ensure that the organisation has the relevant competencies.
b) Explain how you ensure the competencies of the individual
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Unit 4_Element 1.4
Address the health and safety competence needs of the organisation.
• Explain to your assessor how you address the competence needs of the organisation.
• Consider disciplinary actions, recommendations from audits/accident investigations, re-training, and daily briefings for new or temporary hazards.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 2.1
Establish health and safety competencies in the organisation in terms of skills, knowledge and understanding
• Tell your assessor how you have identified which skills, knowledge and understanding are needed for the roles.
• How are qualifications, experience or potential skills considered.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 2.2
Design and develop training courses to meet health and safety competence needs for given groups and within agreed constraints to include:
a) budget
b) timescales
c) staff availability
a) How do design your in-house training packages to ensure it meets with your organisations training budget?
b) How do you ensure you design your in-house training packages in line with the set timescales needed by the organisation?
c) How do you designed your in-house training packages of staff so that they do not impact the day-to-day operations of the organisation?
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Unit 4_Element 2.3
Deliver suitable training to meet the health and safety needs of individuals and groups in the organisation
• Explain to your assessor what health and safety training you deliver within your organisation
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 2.4
Monitor the effectiveness of training to make sure that the identified needs have been met.
• Explain to your assessor how you monitor that the training delivered has been understood by the employee.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 3.1
Critically analyse the nature and role of individual and organisational competence in health and safety matters within the organisation
• Explain to your assessor what opportunities you have to discuss the competencies of individuals and the competence levels of the organisation as a whole?
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 3.2
Analyse the structure of the organisation with respect to functions, activities, tasks, and jobs
• Explain to your assessor how you analysed the structure of the organisation related to the functions, tasks and jobs undertaken in the workplace
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 3.3
Evaluate the principles of competence, activity analysis, task analysis and job safety analysis
Explain to your assessor how you evaluate the following
• Job competence in the workplace
• Activity analysis
• Task analysis
• Job safety analysis.
Unit 4_Element 3.4
Explain the relationships between competencies, skills, and qualifications
• Explain to your assessor how you see the links between competencies, skills, and qualifications.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 4_Element 3.5
Explain the principles of:
a) training course design and delivery
b) the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of presentation
c) course evaluation and validation
d) preparing, delivering, and marking tests and assignments
e) effective written and verbal communication
a) Explain to your assessor how you design and deliver your companies training course
b) Explain to your assessor the advantages of the different methods of presentation
Explain to your assessor the disadvantages of the different methods of presentation
c) Explain to your assessor how you confirm that the training delivered has been understood by all employees
d) Explain to your assessor how you have prepared tests and marking scheme
e) Explain to your assessor how you ensure that both written and verbal communication is correct for the audience
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Unit 4_Element 3.6
Explain the external factors influencing individual and organisational competence in health and safety:
a) Health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice
b) The quality management requirements for documentation.
a) Explain to your assessor how various legislation can affect your organisations activities,
How can the expectations of professional bodies and others influence competence levels?
b) Explain to your assessor what external factors can impact on your Quality managements system in relation to individual and organisational competence