Unit 5_Element 1.1
Identify the requirements to carry out a health and safety inspection.
• Explain to your assessor the different requirements and situations when you carry out workplace inspections
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 1.2
Inspect the workplace to identify and evaluate hazards
• Explain to your assessor how you carry out workplace inspections.
• Explain the process you follow when completing an inspection
• Explain what you do, how you do it and the documentation you have used when identifying and evaluating the hazards involved.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 1.3
Evaluate hazards through observation of work activities.
• Explain to your assessor how you have used observations of the workforce carrying out tasks, to identify and evaluate hazards.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 1.4
Examine proposed activities to identify and evaluate hazards including:
a) new workplaces
b) new equipment
c) new processes
d) new activities
a) How did you identify and evaluate the hazards in a new workplace?
a) How do you identify hazard when using new equipment?
b) How do you identify hazards for new processes?
c) When introducing a new task how do you identify the hazards.
Unit 5_Element 1.5
Select and use appropriate measuring equipment.
• Explain to your assessor the instruments and equipment that you use when assessing levels of exposure.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 1.6
Maintain records of the hazards identified in sufficient detail to meet:
a) Statutory requirements
b) Organisational requirements
c) Industry best practice.
Explain to your assessor the records you maintain when identifying hazards in your workplace
Explain which documents are maintained for
a) Statutory requirements
b) organisation requirements
c) Industry best practice
Unit 5_Element 2.1
Select appropriate risk assessment methods.
• Explain to your assessor what methods you use to complete a risk assessment?
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 2.2
Conduct a risk assessment of the hazards identified.
• Explain to your assessor the process that you follow, and the sources of information you use to ensure the risk assessment is suitable and sufficient.
• Consider discussions with competent persons and activity observations.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 2.3
Select and use instruments or methods to determine the level of exposure affecting:
a) employees
b) others who may be affected
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor the instruments and surveys you use when determining risks
a) Tell your assessor which instrument or methods you use to determine which exposure can be harmful to employees
b) Determine who else could be exposed consider contractors, visitors etc?
Unit 5_Element 2.4
Determine risks to health and safety of:
a) employees
b) others who may be affected
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor
a) Tell your assessor the methods you use to determine risk levels
b) Determine the risk levels to others who may be affected by the workplace activities
Unit 5_Element 2.5
Prioritise the health and safety risks to:
A) employees
B) others who may be affected
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor how you prioritise the risk as part of the risk assessment process
a) what risks affect employees and how do you prioritise the risks.
b) What risk affects 3rd parties and how do you prioritise them
Unit 5_Element 2.6
Maintain records of the risk assessment in sufficient detail to meet:
A) statutory requirements
B) organisational requirements
C) industry best practice
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor the risk assessment records which are used within your organization.
Explain which documents are maintained for
a) Legal compliance
b) Organisational Compliance
c) Compliance with best practice within your industry
Unit 5_Element 3.1
Critically analyse the existing risk control measures and current systems of work in the organisation
• Explain to your assessor how you review the current risk assessments.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.2
Identify for consideration the risk control measures required by:
a) statutory requirements
b) organisational requirements
c) industry best practice
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor the risk control measure that are required
a) Identify any pieces of legislation that affect your organisation, which call for a specific risk assessment to be carried out?
b) What is the policy / procedure requirements for risk controls?
c) What risk controls are used within your industry
Unit 5_Element 3.3
Identify any additional or improved risk control measures that may be needed
• Explain to your assessor using an example of when you have identified additional risk control measures for an activity.
• “What did this involve including the documentation used.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.4
Identify the resources required to implement the risk control measures needed
• Explain to your assessor how you identified the resources to implement control measure.
• Explain how you used consultation when new control measures are needed
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.5
Calculate the cost-effectiveness of the risk control measures needed
• Explain to your assessor how you evaluate the cost effectiveness of the new control measures.
• Give an example in your response how you have calculated the cost effectiveness of the control measure
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.6
Consult with managers, employee representatives and employees about risk controls needed
• Explain to your assessor how you consult with others when introducing new control measures.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.7
Plan the implementation of risk control measures in order of priority
• Describe to your assessor the steps you take when planning to implement risk control measures.
• How do you prioritise the controls measure before implementation?
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.8
Ensure the provision of training for those who need required competences to implement risk control measures
• Explain to your assessor how you ensure all persons involved in the process are fully trained and competent in the use of the new control measure.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 3.9
Maintain records of the control measures in sufficient detail to meet:
a) statutory requirements
b) organisational requirements
c) Industry best practice.
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor how you maintain records of control measures implemented in your organisation to meet the following
a) legal compliance
b) organisational compliance
c) Industry lead best practice
Unit 5_Element 4.1
Evaluate the methods of identification of health and safety hazards within the organisation, including:
a) Risk assessment methods
b) Physical resources
c) Instruments and survey methods which may be used to determine the level of exposure to people who may be affected
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor how you evaluate how hazards are identified within your organisation
a) Explain the various methods you use to identify risks and are they effective
b) What physical resources are required for the identification of hazards?
c) Explain the instruments and survey methods you have used to determine the level of exposure.
Unit 5_Element 4.2
Evaluate principles of the analysis methods for determining risks
• Describe to your assessor the analysis methods you use when deciding of the risk in your organisation.
• What are the main principles of these methods?
• What information do you collate?
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 4.3
Explain external factors influencing the identification of health and safety hazards, including:
a) health and safety statutory requirements
b) acceptability of risk
c) quality management requirements for documentation
You must provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for each bullet point that has clearly been discussed under the headings
Explain to your assessor how:
a) legislation, industry and good practice, expectations of professional bodies can impact on how you identify hazards
b) What external factors can have an impact on the level of risk that is acceptable
c) Explain the quality management requirements for identification of hazards
Unit 5_Element 4.4
Evaluate the nature and role of health and safety risk control measures within the organisation
• Explain to your assessor you evaluate the nature of risk control measures
• Explain how you evaluate the role of risk control measures.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 4.5
Justify health and safety risk control measures, including safe systems of work
• Explain to your assessor how you justify risk controls measures you implement.
• How are they connected to safe systems of work?
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 4.6
Explain external factors influencing health and safety risk control methods
• Explain to your assessor how legislation, industry, and good practice, can impact on your risk assessments and control measures.
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response
Unit 5_Element 4.7
Evaluate risk control hierarchies.
• Explain your understanding of risk control hierarchies
• Provide 2 pieces of workplace evidence to support the written response